outdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairfrom Taobao -桦晨玻璃钢

outdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chair

Original Price: 399 59.73
Price: 97 14.52
Color Classification:
  • Classic Black (Extra Bag)outdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chair Classic Black (Extra Bag)
  • Khaki Fabric (With Outer Bag)outdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chair Khaki Fabric (With Outer Bag)
  • Black Deep Armrest (With Outer Bag)outdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chair Black Deep Armrest (With Outer Bag)
Extra Information


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  • Product introduction
  • Shipping Notices
  • brand: I TRAVELING
    texture of material: iron
    style: Exquisite camping
    Place of Origin: China
    Color classification: null
    City Service: Intra city logistics delivery
    Applicable site: sandy beach
    Price : 399
    Time to market: Summer 2023
    No foldable: yes
    Article number: ALY-50352
    Outdoor sports: road trip
    style: Butterfly chair
    Max capacity : 100kg (included) -300kg (not included)
    complete order procedure by YOYbuy
    outdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chair
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    • Items that cannot be shipped through mail

    • 1. Items forbidden to be circulated or shipped according to the national law.

    • 2. Explosive, flammable, erosive, radioactive or toxic hazardous items.

    • 3. Publications, books, sources or items containing reactionary content or obscenity.

    • 4. Currencies of all kinds.

    • 5. Items that violate public health.

    • 6. Items that rot easily.

    • 7. Live animals (not counting bees, silkworms and leeches, as long as the packaging ensures the safety of the workers).

    • 8. Items that are not adequately packaged and may cause hazards to the workers, or contaminate or damage other packages.

    • 9. Other items unsuitable for shipment though mail.

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    Shopping  by YOYbuy.com
Price: 97 14.52
outdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chair


view at Taobao
texture of material:iron
style:Exquisite camping
Place of Origin:China
Color classification:null
City Service:Intra city logistics delivery
Applicable site:sandy beach
Price :399
Time to market:Summer 2023
No foldable:yes
Article number:ALY-50352
Outdoor sports:road trip
style:Butterfly chair
Max capacity :100kg (included) -300kg (not included)
outdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chairoutdoors wood Handrail chair portable Leisure chair Folding chair go fishing road trip camp mountaineering sandy beach chair
  • Items that cannot be shipped through mail

  • 1. Items forbidden to be circulated or shipped according to the national law.

  • 2. Explosive, flammable, erosive, radioactive or toxic hazardous items.

  • 3. Publications, books, sources or items containing reactionary content or obscenity.

  • 4. Currencies of all kinds.

  • 5. Items that violate public health.

  • 6. Items that rot easily.

  • 7. Live animals (not counting bees, silkworms and leeches, as long as the packaging ensures the safety of the workers).

  • 8. Items that are not adequately packaged and may cause hazards to the workers, or contaminate or damage other packages.

  • 9. Other items unsuitable for shipment though mail.

  • Shipping Method
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  • Shipment Feature


399 59.73
97 14.52

Color Classification

  • Classic Black (Extra Bag)
  • Khaki Fabric (With Outer Bag)
  • Black Deep Armrest (With Outer Bag)
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